Sunday, January 8, 2017


Last December 23, 2016 my cousins and Auntie, Uncles, Grandma, and Grandpa
there are from Davao and they went to our house in Compostela, and we went to montivista to see the amazing and beautiful Christmas lights and we ride the Vikings and so fun and my cousins enjoy the ride. On December 24 , 2016 we wait until its 12:00 o’clock and we celebrate the Christmas in our house  and we buy some fire cracker and we welcome the Christmas spirit.

On last December 26, 2016 we went to Surigao and we went to tinuy-an falls and Enchanted river we enjoy swimming. And we went home.

And last December 27, 2016 my another cousins, Aunties, and Uncles and Grandma
We went again to the montivista to see the fireworks display on diwanag festival,
And that they is so traffic because it is the last day of the festival and on 28 we went to aliwagwag falls. And my cousins are enjoying there time to us and we went home.

And last December 29, 2016 we celebrate the Zaragoza family Christmas party we enjoy the Christmas party and we play parlor games and we exchanging gifts and and intermission number every family. And that’s all my holiday vacation…